Set of tools for LG's famous Quick Circle case. The most known app for the platform, with more than 700,000 downloads!
Android application
LG devices released on 2014-2016 featured a special case called Quick Circle.
The case have a circle window for operations that don't require opening the device.
During the development of the application, I've been an active contributer in LG's QCircle Design Template OSS library.
Quick Circle Apps is the most downloaded application for Quick Circle case, with more than 700,000 downloads on Play Store and LG SmartWorld.
Easily change the watchfaces of the LG G4 Quick Circle Case
Android application
Quick Circle Watchfaces is an Android app which allows you to easily change the watchfaces of the LG G4 Quick Circle Case.
The app itself contains only a default theme. for downloading themes, you should check out
A tutorial for how to create a theme is available under github
An alternative client for Mashov, a system for school.
Android application
Mashov is a popular control system for Israeli high schools. It allows teachers to enter grades, behave events and messages, and they will be delivered to the students and their parents.
Grader a better client for Mashov, for Android. It comes with extra features like graphs and average calculation.
The official app of Ohel Shem high scool, Ramat Gan.
Android application
Ohel Shem (Hebrew: אהל שם) is an Israeli high school located in the city of Ramat Gan. It has about 1,550 students studying in 45 classes, from ninth to twelfth grade, and about 160 teachers and 40 workers.
The android app provides the user's timetable, tests, changes and contacts. In addition, it uses today's cutting-edge technologies to provide real time notification for changes and messages.
The app that makes you laugh (not promised, though)
Android application
Hebrew Jokes lets the user to read jokes in Hebrew in modern user interface (not in old websites that were not optimized for mobile) from his smartphone. The application consists of more than 600 jokes of 13 different subjects.
Receive notifications from Aman
Kotlin project
A telegram bot that scan Aman's website for new data. If exists, send it to the given Telegram chat. Uses JSoup for parsing the HTML.
Check how to say words in hebrew correctly.
Android application
Get your external IP address with a nice user interface.
Android application
"What is my IP" is an Android application that intends to shown you your internal & external IP. It uses to get external IP address.
A tool that helps to solve linear equations using a matrix.
Android application
A JavaFX app that allows you to to use Gaussian elimination in order to solve system of linear equations. Support exporting as LaTeX.
Schedule java tasks using HTTP api.
Server for scheduling tasks with REST api with authentication. Receives jar files as input and schedule them. Provide HTTP api for setting tokens and change schedule. In addition, support auth.
Scapy port to Kotlin - my cyber project for school
Netwrorking library
Scapy port for Kotlin as my CYBER project for school. Support serializing and deserializing of packets, sending and sniffing, and DSl for creating packets.